New challenge for 2013.
I have decided to do a challenge next year after all, it will be a monthly one and will involve reading books, and making art that is inspired by the book that you have read…so if you love reading then you might want to join in.
Basically Jan 1st you make a blog post with a commitment to read 12 books over the year. You must name the 12 books. I will make a linky that day so you can link up your choices.
They can be anything, any genre of book, but they must be books that you have not already read. For example I have at least 30 unread books in my bookcase, I will choose 12 of those and make my commitment to reading them. I have been so very remiss in reading of late and I am hoping this will give me the push I need to get back into reading.
Maybe you have a pile of books waiting to be read, or maybe there are books you have always wanted to read but never got around to? Now is the time.
So you make your choice of 12. These will be your choices and yours alone, we will not be reading the same books.
At the end of each month (the last Friday of each month) I will provide a linky widget on my blog for you to link into.
You will link to your blog, where you have written a short review of the book, no essays, doesn’t have to be long. Just tell us about it and whether you liked it or not. The idea here is to find out about books that maybe the rest of us have never heard of. Now the art part. You will also make a piece of art inspired/based on the book you just read.
It can be anything, a painting, a journal page, a card, a collage, a tag, a sketch, a stamped piece…anything at all…and YES digital work is welcome too.
1. Jan 1st post a list on your blog, of your 12 book choices. If you cannot name 12 then name at least 6 and name the other 6 when you can. Link your list up on my blog.
2. Read the book.
3. Write a short review, good or bad, we just want your opinion.
4. Make a piece of art that is inspired by or based on the book you have just read.
5. Blog your book review and your artwork and link up on my blog on the last Friday of each month.
6. Visit each others blogs and read about all these books and see the artwork, leave some love for each other.
Q. Do I have to name all 12 at once.
A. To play along properly , yes. But these rules are not set in stone. Make it work however you want.
Q. Do I have to decide on the order I read the books.
A. No, that would be a bit harsh lol just make your list and read them in any order that you want.
Q. Are we all reading the same books
A. No, your list is your list. We will all read different books
Q. What kind of books can I read, can they be series, can they be craft/art books?
A. Read whatever you want, as long as each book gets its own review. So if you read a trilogy then there must be 3 reviews.
Q. How thick does the book have to be
A. That’s up to you, how fast can you read?
Q. I am not good at writing, how much do I need to write.
A. You don’t have to be. I do not want essays, or pages and pages of writing, just a paragraph or two about the book and whether you liked it. Write it as a list of bullet points if you wish.
Q. Can I use books that I have already read, like childhood favourites.
A. No, they need to be books that you have never read. The point of this challenge is to read more/new stuff/books you have piled up waiting/book you have always wanted to read.
Q. Can I watch the movie instead.
A. No, that is cheating
Q. Can I use online book reports written by other people
A. No that is cheating, this is about getting away from the internets and reading more, and giving us your personal opinion on the books.
Q. Can I change the books on my list throughout the year.
A. I would rather you stick to your list, it gets messy if you keep changing stuff. But again these rules are not set in stone, make them work however you want. Perhaps it would help if I said you were allowed ONE substitution , which you can use at any time in the year to take a book off your list and replace it with a different one. But try not to do this more than once.
Q. What kind of art do I make
A. Make anything you want, a painting, a card, a tag, a bookmark, a journal page, a postcard, anything at all….and use whatever medium you prefer.. paint,stamps,collage,pencil,pastel, digital….anything
Q. What size art do I make
A. That is up to you
Q. Do I make the same art each month
A. That is up to you, make a card one month, a tag the next month, a page the month after….OR make the same each month, then they can be bound together at the end of the year.
Feel free to join the FB group …HERE… but please only join if you really do intend to take part in the challenge.
If you want a bookcase on your blog like mine ( see it over there on the left ) then go to SHELFARI…
Who is interested in joining me?