My Planning Week 49 2014

It’s Time for Cocoa

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My Planning Week Forty-Nine is It’s Time for Cocoa.  I used silver foil washi tape for the borders of the page.  I printed daily checklist on ivory paper on the bottom of the page.  I place Holiday Mugs and silver stars stickers on both pages.

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Classic Cocoa

Classic Cocoa Recipe

Layer the ingredients for homemade cocoa in a jar, add a ribbon and a tag, and you have a simple but stylish gift. This mix will fill a 1-quart jar (12 servings), but if your containers are different sizes, just keep the ratio of ingredients constant. On the back of the tag, write: “Mix contents in a large bowl. For each serving, place 1/3 cup cocoa mix in a mug and stir in 1 cup boiling water. Store remaining mix in airtight container.”


Makes 1 quart mix or 12 servings hot cocoa


1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup powdered milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup miniature chocolate chips

1/2 cup miniature marshmallows


Layer sugar, cocoa powder, powdered milk, salt, chocolate chips, and marshmallows.


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