My Planning Week 8 2014

A Vintage Bicycle Theme:


My Eighth week is a Vintage Bicycle Theme.  I used scrapbook paper for the borders.  I stamped colored scrapbook paper with my vintage bicycle acrylic stamp.  I cut up a colorful weekly planner page for the days of the week.  I used the lined section of the weekly planner page for the to do section at the bottom of the page.  I stamped To Do at the top of each lined section.  I colored the To Do the same color  as the bicycle and the day of the week.

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I punched holes in Things To Do page and added them in my planner during that week for extra to dos.  

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I have a spiral notepad and sticky notes that matched the Things To Do Pad that I got from Target for $1 each.  They match the colors of my weekly page.

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This set of Things To Do, Spiral Notepad and Sticky Notes is my favorite color scheme.

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