Health/Fitness 2021

I’ve been setting new goals for myself regarding my fitness and weight loss. I hate the phrase that has gone around during the pandemic and I feel is still going around, “The New Normal”. Honestly my world was turned upside down. I went from dancing every day at a dance studio, classes, practice and socials. I was so obsessed about dancing, I would go to a country dancehall after the studio and dance some more. All this dancing required a partner. Any solo dancing had many people on the side talking. I did loss a lot of weight from all this dancing, 75 lb. Then COVID! Everything shut down. WHAT?! Dancing in my living room was not the same. I slowly started gaining the weight back. I still tried to go dancing when things were available but it wasn’t the same. It’s still not the same. Motivation wasn’t the same. Unfortunately, some people were the same so not as much dancing as desired. I needed to find something else that wasn’t dependent on others. I started working out with weights. I use to work out that way years ago. I feel it’s not as much fun. I played music sometimes loud because without it I didn’t feel I could get through some of the exercises. It all started by watching some people on instagram that had made great gains in what they were doing. I thought to myself where do I start this again. Then one day I told myself just start doing something. Do what you know. I started. I now am able to set goals, evaluate what I’m doing, add to it, adjust my weights and reps. I ask questions to help me get in the mindset, to record what I’m doing and remind myself why I am doing this, “exercise is to build muscle, strength and confidence instead of a means to be thin” and “nutrition is more about health, longevity, and being nourished rather than being skinny”. My Intention: I am healthy, strong, fit and confident. I love my body because of what it has overcome.


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